Gay flag colors meaning tumblr

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Nobody knew I was gay except for a few close friends. My initial reaction was “oh shit” because I wasn’t out to my family yet and I was worried that people would recognize me in the photo. Basically overnight the post blew up, I think because it was reblogged by Tyler Oakley. I added my picture and didn’t think anything of it. Gaby: The post was funny to me because I knew dozens of people with the same wall. When I started seeing the post on other social media platforms that’s actually when I decided I should come out to my family. Nick: Oh gosh, I don’t remember how long after I posted that she replied, but overall the initial reaction was good, people from the south were reblogging it and laughing because we’ve all either had the wall or knew someone who did. So tell me about the initial reaction to the Tumblr post from five years ago? What was it like going viral? Did that happen fast? Intelligencer caught up with the duo to discuss their unlikely friendship and growing up gay in Texas.

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You might call it the most ambitious gay crossover event in history.

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And one that also might have been the end of the story … but this year Nick and Gaby met up for the first time at a Pride event in Houston, Texas.

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